Small Joys Tag! Do You Relate To Any?

I would like to thank Kamal for nominating me for this tag. I am beyond happy to have been nominated by someone with such an amazing blog.

Kamal is an amazing writer who posts a variety of stories to blog posts about tech and lifestyle in general. His posts give out such positivity and showcase his bright and positive personality. You need to check out his blog, as it’s simply amazing

Once again Kamal, thank you so much for nominating me for a tag where I can describe things that make me happy.

Do tell me in the comments if any of you relate to the things that bring me joy!

©2020 – All Rights Reserved.

Rules and Regulations of this Tag

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. List fifteen of your small joys.
  3. Nominate five other blogger friends who bring you joy.

15 small things that bring me joy:

  1. Tim Horton’s Iced Capp: This is naturally the first thing I would name. For those of you unaware of this drink, it can be bought at any Tim Horton’s location, and even though it is so simple, it is so delicious. Just look at the picture below! It can be made with oreos and with whipped cream and many other variations. It is cold and refreshing and brings me so much joy.

2) Applying Henna: I have recently started applying henna in the hopes that I can become a professional at it, and it is just so calming and relaxing. I did the henna in the picture below!

A picture of some henna I did on my hand recently. It’s not perfect but I tried!

3) Painting: I think like henna, painting is very peaceful and I love doing it.

4) Driving at night: There is something about being in a car at night time that is so amazing.

5) Looking at the stars: I recently took an Astronomy course in my university, and I have a newfound love for stars (I already loved them but now even more).

6) Reading.

7) When someone likes a show I am also watching and I can talk to them about it.

8) Sleeping in: While my university was open (before the pandemic) I had to get up super super early, so now whenever I can sleep in, it’s awesome.

9) Chocolate: Do I really have to say more??

10) Babies: I am obsessed with babies and toddlers and children in general. They are so pure and are little balls of sunshine. They get excited about everything and it’s pure joy for me. Just watch the video below!

11) Praying: Praying makes me so relaxed and serene.

12) Handing in an essay and deleting all the bookmarks I had saved and closing all the tabs.

13) Harry Potter: I absolutley love Harry Potter and anything related to it. I was so obsessed I finished all the books in 1 and a half months.

14) Dogs: Again, much like children, I love dogs, particularly puppies. How can you not adore them? They are loyal and amazing. I don’t have one but would love to get one one day.

15) Writing: I love love writing pretty much anything. I used to write stories with my friends when I was 8 and have been reading ever since I was able to.

My Nominations:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! Do tell me in the comments if you relate to any of the things that I mentioned in my list!

©2020 – All Rights Reserved.

31 thoughts on “Small Joys Tag! Do You Relate To Any?”

  1. Your henna application skills are very good, what lovely work! I wish someone can draw on me like that. Sometimes, my sisters and I place stick-on tattoos on ourselves when we are bored. It is a lot of fun and it makes us laugh. Your work is far more sophisticated though. Congratulations for the nomination and may you be a pro at henna soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! haha that does sound like a lot of fun! I don’t have a sister so I am left with just being able to pratice on my hands or my mom’s if I really beg her 😂😂 And thank you so much for your comment I appreciate it


  2. Wonderful…. I loved your Tim horton’s Iced Capp. Your henna is beautiful. How could you do this? Fantastic answers. Some of your interesting small joys match with me as well. I am very thankful that you have portrayed me genuinely critically. Loved so much. How about Great achiever mahasiddhi award. Hope you are working on this as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my list! and thank you for the henna comment! I really tried haha it took me so long for just that hand. And it was my pleasure! Ooh I shall start on the mahasiddhi award right away thank you so much i really appreciate it!


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